Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Freshman Focus Group

     Yesterday, we were given the opportunity to speak with some of our other freshman peers, as well as some faculty members from High Point University. We were able to touch on a variety of topics while we sat comfortably in the Greek Village Ballroom. There was even a baked potato bar, amongst other goodies, that we became privy to and were able to divulge in. At first, many of my classmates, including myself, were unsure of what we were getting into. However, it turned out to be an enjoyable afternoon and a break from the norm. That is one reason why I really enjoy this school, especially my seminar-style classes. It is not everyday that I get to sit around with people going through the same situations I am struggling with, and freely express how I feel. I thought that I was on my own with some of the things that I felt about HPU, but I was not.
          Many people, just like me, are struggling with the transition between high school and a higher learning setting. Math has always been a struggle for me, but the services we have in place are quite remarkable. I was not alone when I mentioned that the amount of support and compassion that the faculty at HPU gives is truly a blessing, and I'm not sure that any other school could make me feel this at home. Even Beth Holder, in her southern accent saying, "Go on, honey, grab another plate," just reminds me of home and my mother. High Point really sealed the deal for me when I had my last ankle surgery during my senior year. I was laid up in bed for about a month. I was already accepted into the University, but the fact that the staff took time out of their busy day to write me a hand written note, on beautiful card stock, and send me a blanket to help provide me with extra comfort during my recovery really touched me. Knowing that the faculty really wanted me as a part of their family was an amazing feeling. One question that was asked at the end of the focus group was, "If you had to do it all over again, would you choose HPU," and everyone in the room had the same answer. We would choose High Point again and again.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Investigation over black man found hanging in a tree in Mississippi

The police investigating the matter were able to identify the victim as Otis Byrd; however, Byrd was convicted of the murder of a woman and spent 30 years in jail, and released just two years prior. He was found hanging from a tree in southwest Mississippi, covered in a sheet for a length of about two weeks. At first, the authorities were not sure if he had committed suicide or if it had been a murder and the death remains undetermined. The NAACP feels that it is a "suspicious hanging death," so they are seeking help from the Justice Department. The FBI is also investigating further into the case.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A night with Bill Cosby: It's Complicated

Bill Cosby is widely known for his performance on the hit TV sitcom, "The Cosby Show." Many Americans looked up to him and watched the show, not only because he was wholesome and made them laugh, but because off the screen he was known for being a philanthropist, benefactor, and his support of the black community. However, he has been under scrutiny lately because of his alleged sexual assault charges. It did affect High Point University, which is why I chose to relay this article. He was also let go from our board that he served on. Cosby hosted a comedy show in Augusta, Georgia with many supporters that purchased tickets, it was not however a sold out show. As Cosby walked across the stage for the first time, a man in the audience shouted his support for Cosby and his recent legal allegations. Cosby's response was, "No, no, we will not cover that today," Cosby says. "We are not talking about that tonight. What we're going to cover is the performance of Bill Cosby."
Obviously, it would not be a good legal move to comment on his current case, but I feel that he is just trying to avoid the subject altogether. There are too many women who came forward and too much evidence to deny that he is guilty.

"Bill Cosby

        ...far from finished tour"

-above show is part of this most recent tour


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Plessy V. Ferguson

On June, 7 1892, Homer Plessy bought a train ticket for a white train car in Louisiana. He was 1/8 black and did not want to sit in the black train car, as the white train cars were much nicer. He was arrested for such an act, and the litigation team that argued against Mr. Uckermark and me made a few convincing arguments that ultimately took legal precedence. I felt it was difficult to argue for a man that has any amount of black in his DNA at this time. Separate, but equal shows that, legally, Plessy could have still been served, the service just would have not been as good and neither would the condition of the train car he would have had to sit in. Morally, our arguments show that in fact the separate but equal clause is not equal, or fair. Due to earlier court cases, the case could not be in the favor of Plessy, regardless of if he was fully black, or only 1/8 black.